29286 Maralee Dawn & Friends Ministries


Family Ministry That Knows No Age Limit!

News and Events

Interactive Gospel of John and Maralee

Yo-Yo and Key Fob

For 21 consecutive years, we have broadcast the Gospel to children worldwide. The lives of thousands of pre-churched children and families in Canada and beyond, received the Gospel through our collective efforts.

Our Interactive Gospel of John (IGJ) is a child friendly version of the Gospel of John, with an innovative smartphone interface technology from City Bibles in Amsterdam and printed in Germany.

This Gospel is filled with interactive videos, some MD&F, others straight from the The Gospel of John movie (2003)! Also include are a downloadable colouring book, an invitation to accept Jesus as Saviour, and Bible Apps for kids. 5,000 copies were initially ordered and quickly 'gifted'!

God has blessed us with a remarkable milestone: in two years we have gifted 50,000 Interactive Gospel of John to children. This is truly a testament to the impact we can make when like minded people join forces, with a heart to reach children this generation. The unwavering dedication of our volunteers has been vital in carrying out this sacred trust, of sharing the gospel.

Did you know what happened when the Bereans in Ireland became aware of our ministry here in Canada? In a gesture of generosity, they offered to print, ship, and donate 275,000 Interactive Gospel of John, in seven languages, to our Ministry! This benevolent act underscores the providence of God in aligning individuals and organizations to advance His Kingdom. Presently, these Interactive Gospels are enroute.

A shipment of 100,000 Gospels went to Warsaw: 50,000 Ukrainian, 25,000 Polish, and 25,000 Russian. The Gospels will be included with humanitarian aid to oppressed areas and traumatized children will receive God’s message of LOVE, HOPE, HEALING and most importantly… eternal life!

We welcome your support!


175,000 Interactive Gospel of John in seven languages, 40,000 Gospel Key Fobs and 2,000 Gospel Wristbands recently arrived!

See a demo HERE.

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QR Order

Every Child Matters

We remember the timeless words of Daniel Webster, who stated in 1852, that "If religious books are not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If truth be not diffused, then error will be. If God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendency."

Let’s press forward Gifting the Gospel to this generation!

We currrently have Digital Gospel Key Fobs and Digital Gospel Wristbands for you to Gift!
Give to others! Limited quantities!
(Shipping is extra or arrange FREE pickup in various locations)

Follow our Facebook Page Give Me Jesus for details:

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and… “ share the Good News!” Mark 16:15

IGJ Gifts

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